------- ipyrad params file (v.0.5.13)------------------------------------------- Ccal_85 ## [0] [assembly_name]: Assembly name. Used to name output directories for assembly steps /mirror/1tb/james/Ccal ## [1] [project_dir]: Project dir (made in curdir if not present) ## [2] [raw_fastq_path]: Location of raw non-demultiplexed fastq files ## [3] [barcodes_path]: Location of barcodes file /mirror/1tb/james/Ccal/Ccal_fastq/*fastq.gz ## [4] [sorted_fastq_path]: Location of demultiplexed/sorted fastq files denovo ## [5] [assembly_method]: Assembly method (denovo, reference, denovo+reference, denovo-reference) ## [6] [reference_sequence]: Location of reference sequence file pairgbs ## [7] [datatype]: Datatype (see docs): rad, gbs, ddrad, etc. TAA, AATTC ## [8] [restriction_overhang]: Restriction overhang (cut1,) or (cut1, cut2) 15 ## [9] [max_low_qual_bases]: Max low quality base calls (Q<20) in a read 30 ## [10] [phred_Qscore_offset]: phred Q score offset (33 is default and very standard) 6 ## [11] [mindepth_statistical]: Min depth for statistical base calling 4 ## [12] [mindepth_majrule]: Min depth for majority-rule base calling 10000 ## [13] [maxdepth]: Max cluster depth within samples 0.80 ## [14] [clust_threshold]: Clustering threshold for de novo assembly 0 ## [15] [max_barcode_mismatch]: Max number of allowable mismatches in barcodes 2 ## [16] [filter_adapters]: Filter for adapters/primers (1 or 2=stricter) 40 ## [17] [filter_min_trim_len]: Min length of reads after adapter trim 2 ## [18] [max_alleles_consens]: Max alleles per site in consensus sequences 10, 10 ## [19] [max_Ns_consens]: Max N's (uncalled bases) in consensus (R1, R2) 8, 8 ## [20] [max_Hs_consens]: Max Hs (heterozygotes) in consensus (R1, R2) 44 ## [21] [min_samples_locus]: Min # samples per locus for output 20, 20 ## [22] [max_SNPs_locus]: Max # SNPs per locus (R1, R2) 8, 8 ## [23] [max_Indels_locus]: Max # of indels per locus (R1, R2) 0.5 ## [24] [max_shared_Hs_locus]: Max # heterozygous sites per locus (R1, R2) 0, 0 ## [25] [edit_cutsites]: Edit cut-sites (R1, R2) (see docs) 0, 0, 0, 0 ## [26] [trim_overhang]: Trim overhang (see docs) (R1>, ,