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(/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/coc.nvim/build/index.js:253:44916) at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1095:14) at Object.Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1124:10) at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:975:32) 11:14:43 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to vim blocked more than 1s: nvim_get_vvar [ "vim_did_enter" ],Error at hN.request (/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/coc.nvim/build/index.js:30:3964) at /home/hrai/.vim/plugged/coc.nvim/build/index.js:29:34677 at new Promise () at _N.request (/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/coc.nvim/build/index.js:29:34642) at _N.getVvar (/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/coc.nvim/build/index.js:31:7020) at /home/hrai/.vim/plugged/coc.nvim/build/index.js:253:44675 at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5) 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 2,1085ms,null,null 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 3,1047ms,1,null 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 4,nvim_eval,[ "&runtimepath" ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - 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request to nvim: 6,nvim_eval,[ "[map(getbufinfo({'bufloaded': 1}),'v:val[\"bufnr\"]'),bufnr('%'),win_getid()]" ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 6,17ms,[ [ 1, 2 ], 1, 1000 ],null 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 7,nvim_call_function,[ "coc#util#get_bufoptions", [ 1, 10485760 ] ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 8,nvim_call_function,[ "coc#util#get_bufoptions", [ 2, 10485760 ] ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 7,19ms,{ "changedtick": 30, "variables": {}, "winid": 1000, "eol": 1, "previewwindow": false, "bufname": "", "fullpath": "", "filetype": "startify", "buftype": "", "lines": [ "", " *------------------------------------------------------*", " | Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in |", " | the first place. Therefore, if you write the code |", " | as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not |", " | smart enough to debug it. |", " | |", " | - Brian Kernighan |", " *------------------------------------------------------*", " o", " o ^__^", " o (oo)\\_______", " (__)\\ )\\/\\", " ||----w |", " || ||", "", " [e] ", "", " MRU", "", " [0] ~/profile.log", " [1] /mnt/d/auto-capitalise-sentence/src/abbreviation-constants.js", " [2] ~/.vim_runtime/my_configs.vim", " [3] ~/.vim_runtime/vimrcs/basic.vim", " [4] ~/.nb/home/rough.notes", " [5] /mnt/d/commercialrealestate/Domain/Domain.Services.DocumentIndexing.ElasticSearch.Host/Services/BookingApiService.cs", " [6] /mnt/d/commercialrealestate/Domain/Domain.Services.DocumentIndexing.ElasticSearch.Host/Core/ListingToSearchRowMapper.cs", " [7] /mnt/d/auto-capitalise-sentence/src/name-constants.js", " [8] /mnt/d/auto-capitalise-sentence/src/constants.js", " [9] /mnt/d/fe-dotnet-server-base-image/sdk/publish.ps1", "", " MRU /mnt/d/auto-capitalise-sentence", "", " [10] src/abbreviation-constants.js", " [11] src/name-constants.js", " [12] src/constants.js", " [13] test/util.test.js", " [14] src/location-constants.js", " [15] .husky/.gitignore", " [16] package.json", " [17] .tmuxinator.yml", " [18] src/utils.js", " [19] .github/workflows/release.yml", "", " [q] " ], "iskeyword": "@,48-57,_,192-255", "size": 1637 },null 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 9,nvim_buf_attach,[ "[nvim_buf_1]", true, {} ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 8,19ms,{ "changedtick": 1, "variables": {}, "winid": 1002, "eol": 1, "previewwindow": false, "bufname": "", "fullpath": "", "filetype": "", "buftype": "nofile", "lines": [], "iskeyword": "@,48-57,_,192-255", "size": -1 },null 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - receive notification: [ "nvim_buf_lines_event", [ "[nvim_buf_1]", 30, 0, -1, [ "", " *------------------------------------------------------*", " | Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in |", " | the first place. Therefore, if you write the code |", " | as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not |", " | smart enough to debug it. |", " | |", " | - Brian Kernighan |", " *------------------------------------------------------*", " o", " o ^__^", " o (oo)\\_______", " (__)\\ )\\/\\", " ||----w |", " || ||", "", " [e] ", "", " MRU", "", " [0] ~/profile.log", " [1] /mnt/d/auto-capitalise-sentence/src/abbreviation-constants.js", " [2] ~/.vim_runtime/my_configs.vim", " [3] ~/.vim_runtime/vimrcs/basic.vim", " [4] ~/.nb/home/rough.notes", " [5] /mnt/d/commercialrealestate/Domain/Domain.Services.DocumentIndexing.ElasticSearch.Host/Services/BookingApiService.cs", " [6] /mnt/d/commercialrealestate/Domain/Domain.Services.DocumentIndexing.ElasticSearch.Host/Core/ListingToSearchRowMapper.cs", " [7] /mnt/d/auto-capitalise-sentence/src/name-constants.js", " [8] /mnt/d/auto-capitalise-sentence/src/constants.js", " [9] /mnt/d/fe-dotnet-server-base-image/sdk/publish.ps1", "", " MRU /mnt/d/auto-capitalise-sentence", "", " [10] src/abbreviation-constants.js", " [11] src/name-constants.js", " [12] src/constants.js", " [13] test/util.test.js", " [14] src/location-constants.js", " [15] .husky/.gitignore", " [16] package.json", " [17] .tmuxinator.yml", " [18] src/utils.js", " [19] .github/workflows/release.yml", "", " [q] " ], false ] ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 9,20ms,true,null 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_call_function,[ "coc#_watch", [ "coc_sources_disable_map" ] ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_call_atomic,[ [ [ "nvim_command", [ "sign define CocError linehl=CocErrorLine texthl=CocErrorSign text=✘ numhl=CocErrorSign" ] ], [ "nvim_command", [ "sign define CocWarning linehl=CocWarningLine texthl=CocWarningSign text= numhl=CocWarningSign" ] ], [ "nvim_command", [ "sign define CocInfo linehl=CocInfoLine texthl=CocInfoSign text= numhl=CocInfoSign" ] ], [ "nvim_command", [ "sign define CocHint linehl=CocHintLine texthl=CocHintSign text=ﯦ numhl=CocHintSign" ] ] ] ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "sign define CocSelected text=* texthl=CocSelectedText linehl=CocSelectedLine" ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 10,nvim_call_function,[ "bufnr", [] ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 11,nvim_call_function,[ "execute", [ "\n if !exists('g:coc_helper_module_p30952_0_10_1')\n let g:coc_helper_module_p30952_0_10_1 = {}\n endif\n\n function! CocHelperCallFn_0_10_1(module_key, method_name, args)\n try\n return call(g:coc_helper_module_p30952_0_10_1[a:module_key][a:method_name], a:args)\n catch\n let ex = v:exception\n let msg = 'error when call ' . a:module_key . '.' . a:method_name\n echom msg\n echom ex\n throw msg . ex\n endtry\n endfunction\n\n function! CocHelperCallVar_0_10_1(module_key, var_name, expression)\n try\n let g:coc_helper_module_p30952_0_10_1[a:module_key][a:var_name] = eval(a:expression)\n catch\n let ex = v:exception\n let msg = 'error when declare ' . a:module_key . '.' . a:var_name\n echom msg\n echom ex\n throw msg . ex\n endtry\n endfunction\n " ] ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 12,nvim_buf_get_option,[ "[nvim_buf_2]", "iskeyword" ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 13,nvim_buf_get_option,[ "[nvim_buf_1]", "iskeyword" ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 14,nvim_call_function,[ "maparg", [ "", "i" ] ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 15,nvim_get_current_buf,[] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 16,nvim_get_option,[ "runtimepath" ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 17,nvim_call_function,[ "has", [ "pythonx" ] ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 18,nvim_eval,[ "&rtp" ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "xnoremap (coc-convert-snippet) :call coc#rpc#notify('doKeymap', ['convert-snippet'])" ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "inoremap (coc-snippets-expand) coc#_insert_key('notify', 'snippets-expand', 1)" ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "inoremap (coc-snippets-expand-jump) coc#_insert_key('notify', 'snippets-expand-jump', 1)" ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "vnoremap (coc-snippets-select) :call coc#rpc#notify('doKeymap', ['snippets-select'])" ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 19,nvim_eval,[ "sort(map(split(globpath(&rtp, 'syntax/*.vim'), '\n'),'fnamemodify(v:val, \":t:r\")'))" ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 20,nvim_command,[ "source /tmp/nvimt653pi/coc.nvim-30952/coc-30952.vim" ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_call_atomic,[ [ [ "nvim_set_var", [ "WorkspaceFolders", [] ] ], [ "nvim_set_var", [ "coc_service_initialized", 1 ] ], [ "nvim_call_function", [ "coc#util#do_autocmd", [ "CocNvimInit" ] ] ] ] ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_call_atomic,[ [ [ "nvim_set_var", [ "coc_status", " ⠦ 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"rng", "rng", "rnoweb", "rnoweb", "rnoweb-1", "rnoweb-2", "robots", "robots", "rpcgen", "rpcgen", "rpl", "rpl", "rrst", "rrst", "rspec", "rst", "rst", "rtf", "rtf", "ruby", "ruby", "ruby", "rust", "rust", "rust", "samba", "samba", "sas", "sas", "sass", "sass", "sather", "sather", "sbt", "sbt", "scala", "scala", "scheme", "scheme", "scilab", "scilab", "screen", "screen", "scss", "scss", "sd", "sd", "sdc", "sdc", "sdl", "sdl", "sed", "sed", "sendpr", "sensors", "sensors", "services", "services", "setserial", "setserial", "sexplib", "sexplib", "sgml", "sgmldecl", "sgmllnx", "sh", "sh", "shada", "sicad", "sieve", "sieve", "sil", "sil", "simula", "simula", "sinda", "sinda", "sindacmp", "sindaout", "sisu", "sisu", "skill", "skill", "sl", "slang", "slang", "slice", "slice", "slim", "slime", "slpconf", "slpconf", "slpreg", "slpreg", "slpspi", "slpspi", "slrnrc", "slrnrc", "slrnsc", "slrnsc", "sm", "sm", "smarty", "smarty", "smcl", "smcl", "smhl", "smil", "smith", "smith", "sml", "sml", "smt2", "snnsnet", "snnspat", "snnsres", "snobol4", "snobol4", "solidity", "spec", "spec", "specman", "spice", "spice", "splint", "spup", "spup", "spyce", "spyce", "sql", "sql", "sqlanywhere", "sqlforms", "sqlhana", "sqlinformix", "sqlj", "sqlj", "sqloracle", "sqloracle", "sqr", "sqr", "squid", "squid", "srec", "srec", "sshconfig", "sshconfig", "sshdconfig", "sshdconfig", "st", "st", "startify", "stata", "stata", "stp", "stp", "strace", "stylus", "sudoers", "sudoers", "svelte", "svelte-html", "svg", "svg", "svn", "svn", "swift", "swift", "swiftgyb", "swiftgyb", "sxhkdrc", "syncolor", "synload", "syntax", "sysctl", "sysctl", "systemd", "systemd", "systemverilog", "systemverilog", "tablegen", "tads", "tads", "tags", "tags", "tak", "tak", "takcmp", "takout", "tap", "tap", "tar", "taskdata", "taskdata", "taskedit", "taskedit", "tasm", "tcl", "tcl", "tcsh", "template", "template", "teraterm", "teraterm", "terminfo", "terminfo", "terraform", "tex", "tex", "texinfo", "texinfo", "texmf", "texmf", "textile", "tf", "tf", "thesaurus", "thrift", "tidy", "tidy", "tilde", "tilde", "tli", "tli", "tmux", "tmux", "tmux", "toml", "tpp", "tpp", "tptp", "trasys", "trasys", "treetop", "treetop", "trustees", "trustees", "tsalt", "tsalt", "tsscl", "tsscl", "tssgm", "tssgm", "tssop", "tssop", "tsx", "tt2", "tt2", "tt2html", "tt2html", "tt2js", "tt2js", "tutor", "twig", "typescript", "typescript", "typescriptcommon", "typescriptreact", "typescriptreact", "typescriptreact", "uc", "uc", "udevconf", "udevconf", "udevperm", "udevperm", "udevrules", "uil", "uil", "undotree", "unison", "updatedb", "updatedb", "upstart", "upstart", "upstreamdat", "upstreamdat", "upstreaminstalllog", "upstreaminstalllog", "upstreamlog", "upstreamlog", "upstreamrpt", "usserverlog", "usserverlog", "usw2kagtlog", "usw2kagtlog", "vala", "valgrind", "vb", "vb", "vbnet", "vcl", "velocity", "vera", "vera", "verilog", "verilog", "verilogams", "verilogams", "vgrindefs", "vgrindefs", "vhdl", "vhdl", "vim", "vimgo", "viminfo", "viminfo", "vimnormal", "virata", "vlang", "vmasm", "vmasm", "voscm", "voscm", "vrml", "vrml", "vroom", "vroom", "vsejcl", "vue", "vue", "wast", "wast", "wdiff", "web", "webmacro", "webmacro", "wget", "wget", "whitespace", "winbatch", "winbatch", "wml", "wml", "wsh", "wsh", "wsml", "wsml", "wvdial", "wvdial", "xbl", "xdc", "xdefaults", "xdefaults", "xf86conf", "xf86conf", "xhtml", "xhtml", "xinetd", "xinetd", "xkb", "xmath", "xmath", "xml", "xml", "xmodmap", "xmodmap", "xpm", "xpm", "xpm2", "xpm2", "xquery", "xquery", "xs", "xs", "xsd", "xsd", "xsl", "xslt", "xslt", "xxd", "yacc", "yacc", "yaml", "yaml", "yardoc_support", "yats", "z8a", "z8a", "zephir", "zig", "zimbu", "zimbu", "zir", "zsh", "zsh", "zsh" ],null 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.snippets setf snippets" ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "execute 'noa set rtp+='.fnameescape('/home/hrai/.vim/coc_data_home/extensions/node_modules/coc-snippets')" ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 23,nvim_call_function,[ "bufname", [] ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 24,nvim_call_function,[ "execute", [ "let g:coc_helper_module_p30952_0_10_1.1_util = {}" ] ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_call_atomic,[ [ [ "nvim_command", [ "inoremap ( coc#_insert_key('request', 'iKA==0')" ] ], [ "nvim_command", [ "inoremap ) coc#_insert_key('request', 'iKQ==0')" ] ], [ "nvim_command", [ "inoremap [ coc#_insert_key('request', 'iWw==0')" ] ], [ "nvim_command", [ "inoremap ] coc#_insert_key('request', 'iXQ==0')" ] ], [ "nvim_command", [ "inoremap { coc#_insert_key('request', 'iew==0')" ] ], [ "nvim_command", [ "inoremap } coc#_insert_key('request', 'ifQ==0')" ] ], [ "nvim_command", [ "inoremap < coc#_insert_key('request', 'iPA==0')" ] ], [ "nvim_command", [ "inoremap > coc#_insert_key('request', 'iPg==0')" ] ], [ "nvim_command", [ "inoremap ' coc#_insert_key('request', 'iJw==0')" ] ], [ "nvim_command", [ "inoremap \" coc#_insert_key('request', 'iIg==0')" ] ], [ "nvim_command", [ "inoremap ` coc#_insert_key('request', 'iYA==0')" ] ], [ "nvim_command", [ "inoremap coc#_insert_key('request', 'iPGJzPg==0')" ] ] ] ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 25,nvim_command,[ "source /tmp/nvimt653pi/coc.nvim-30952/coc-30952.vim" ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 26,nvim_get_current_buf,[] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 20,123ms,null,null 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 21,92ms,null,null 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 22,87ms,1,null 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 23,77ms,,null 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 24,77ms,,null 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 25,67ms,null,null 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 26,67ms,[nvim_buf_1],null 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 27,nvim_create_namespace,[ "coc-git-conflicts" ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 28,nvim_get_var,[ "&filetype" ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 29,nvim_call_function,[ "execute", [ "let g:coc_helper_module_p30952_0_10_1.2_events = {}" ] ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_call_atomic,[ [ [ "nvim_set_var", [ "coc_status", " ⠧ cSpell ⠧ loading snippets" ] ], [ "nvim_call_function", [ "coc#util#do_autocmd", [ "CocStatusChange" ] ] ] ] ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 27,19ms,2,null 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 28,18ms,null,[ 1, "Key not found: &filetype" ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 29,18ms,,null 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 30,nvim_eval,[ "&signcolumn" ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-git-nextchunk) :call coc#rpc#notify('doKeymap', ['git-nextchunk'])" ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-git-prevchunk) :call coc#rpc#notify('doKeymap', ['git-prevchunk'])" ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-git-nextconflict) :call coc#rpc#notify('doKeymap', ['git-nextconflict'])" ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-git-prevconflict) :call coc#rpc#notify('doKeymap', ['git-prevconflict'])" ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-git-keepcurrent) :call coc#rpc#notify('doKeymap', ['git-keepcurrent'])" ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-git-keepincoming) :call coc#rpc#notify('doKeymap', ['git-keepincoming'])" ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-git-keepboth) :call coc#rpc#notify('doKeymap', ['git-keepboth'])" ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-git-chunkinfo) :call coc#rpc#notify('doKeymap', ['git-chunkinfo'])" ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-git-commit) :call coc#rpc#notify('doKeymap', ['git-commit'])" ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "onoremap (coc-git-chunk-inner) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['git-chunk-inner'])" ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "xnoremap (coc-git-chunk-inner) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['git-chunk-inner'])" ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "onoremap (coc-git-chunk-outer) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['git-chunk-outer'])" ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "xnoremap (coc-git-chunk-outer) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['git-chunk-outer'])" ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 31,nvim_get_var,[ "coc_explorer_context" ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 32,nvim_call_function,[ "execute", [ "let g:coc_helper_module_p30952_0_10_1.3_buf = {}" ] ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 33,nvim_eval,[ "[expand(\"%:p\"),&buftype]" ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 30,23ms,no,null 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 31,8ms,null,[ 1, "Key not found: coc_explorer_context" ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 32,8ms,,null 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 33,8ms,[ "", "" ],null 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 34,nvim_call_atomic,[ [ [ "nvim_command", [ "sign define CocGitChanged text=~ texthl=CocGitChangedSign" ] ], [ "nvim_command", [ "hi default link CocGitChangedSign DiffChange" ] ], [ "nvim_command", [ "sign define CocGitAdded text=+ texthl=CocGitAddedSign" ] ], [ "nvim_command", [ "hi default link CocGitAddedSign DiffAdd" ] ], [ "nvim_command", [ "sign define CocGitRemoved text=_ texthl=CocGitRemovedSign" ] ], [ "nvim_command", [ "hi default link CocGitRemovedSign DiffDelete" ] ], [ "nvim_command", [ "sign define CocGitTopRemoved text=‾ texthl=CocGitTopRemovedSign" ] ], [ "nvim_command", [ "hi default link CocGitTopRemovedSign DiffDelete" ] ], [ "nvim_command", [ "sign define CocGitChangeRemoved text=≃ texthl=CocGitChangeRemovedSign" ] ], [ "nvim_command", [ "hi default link CocGitChangeRemovedSign DiffChange" ] ] ] ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 35,nvim_call_function,[ "execute", [ "let g:coc_helper_module_p30952_0_10_1.4_float = {}" ] ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_call_atomic,[ [ [ "nvim_set_var", [ "coc_git_status", "" ] ], [ "nvim_call_function", [ "coc#util#do_autocmd", [ "CocGitStatusChange" ] ] ] ] ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 36,nvim_set_var,[ "coc_explorer_context", { "previousBufnr": 1 } ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 34,5ms,[ [ null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null ], null ],null 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 35,4ms,,null 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 36,4ms,null,null 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 37,nvim_call_function,[ "execute", [ "\n function! g:coc_helper_module_p30952_0_10_1.1_util.global_cursor_position()\n let nr = winnr()\n let [row, col] = win_screenpos(nr)\n return [row + winline() - 2, col + wincol() - 2]\n endfunction\n " ] ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 38,nvim_call_function,[ "win_getid", [] ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 39,nvim_eval,[ "get(g:, \"UltiSnipsSnippetDirectories\", [])" ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 37,28ms,,null 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 38,29ms,1000,null 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 39,28ms,[],null 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 40,nvim_get_var,[ "coc_explorer_context" ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 41,nvim_call_function,[ "execute", [ "\n function! g:coc_helper_module_p30952_0_10_1.1_util.is_float(winnr) abort\n if !exists('*nvim_win_get_config')\n return v:false\n endif\n let winid = win_getid(a:winnr)\n return nvim_win_get_config(winid)['relative'] != ''\n endfunction\n " ] ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 40,2ms,{ "previousBufnr": 1 },null 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 42,nvim_set_var,[ "coc_explorer_context", { "previousBufnr": 1, "previousWindowID": 1000 } ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 41,11ms,,null 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 42,10ms,null,null 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 43,nvim_call_function,[ "execute", [ "\n if exists('*nvim_win_close')\n function! g:coc_helper_module_p30952_0_10_1.1_util.close_win_by_bufnr(bufnrs) abort\n for bufnr in a:bufnrs\n try\n let winid = bufwinid(bufnr)\n if winid >= 0\n call nvim_win_close(winid, v:true)\n endif\n catch\n endtry\n endfor\n endfunction\n else\n function! g:coc_helper_module_p30952_0_10_1.1_util.close_win_by_bufnr(bufnrs) abort\n for bufnr in a:bufnrs\n try\n let winnr = bufwinnr(bufnr)\n if winnr >= 0\n execute winnr . 'wincmd c'\n endif\n catch\n endtry\n endfor\n endfunction\n endif\n " ] ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 43,8ms,,null 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 44,nvim_call_function,[ "execute", [ "\n function! g:coc_helper_module_p30952_0_10_1.1_util.run_coc_cmd(name, ...) abort\n return call('CocAction', extend(['runCommand', a:name], a:000))\n endfunction\n " ] ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 45,nvim_get_var,[ "snips_author" ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 44,9ms,,null 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 45,1ms,yourname,null 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 46,nvim_call_function,[ "execute", [ "\n function! g:coc_helper_module_p30952_0_10_1.1_util.run_coc_cmd_async(name, ...) abort\n return call('CocActionAsync', extend(['runCommand', a:name], a:000))\n endfunction\n " ] ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_call_atomic,[ [ [ "nvim_set_var", [ "coc_status", " ⠇ cSpell ⠇ loading snippets" ] ], [ "nvim_call_function", [ "coc#util#do_autocmd", [ "CocStatusChange" ] ] ] ] ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 46,27ms,,null 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 47,nvim_call_function,[ "execute", [ "\n function! g:coc_helper_module_p30952_0_10_1.2_events.activate(augroup_name, autocmd_events) abort\n execute 'augroup ' . a:augroup_name\n autocmd!\n for autocmd_event in a:autocmd_events\n execute autocmd_event\n endfor\n augroup END\n endfunction\n " ] ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 47,46ms,,null 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 48,nvim_call_function,[ "execute", [ "\n function! g:coc_helper_module_p30952_0_10_1.2_events.deactivate(augroup_name) abort\n execute 'augroup ' . a:augroup_name\n autocmd!\n augroup END\n endfunction\n " ] ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 48,14ms,,null 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 49,nvim_call_function,[ "execute", [ "\n function! g:coc_helper_module_p30952_0_10_1.2_events.do_autocmd(name) abort\n if exists('#User#'.a:name)\n exe 'doautocmd User '.a:name\n endif\n endfunction\n " ] ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 49,4ms,,null 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 50,nvim_call_function,[ "execute", [ "\n function! g:coc_helper_module_p30952_0_10_1.3_buf.create_by_name(name) abort\n return bufadd(a:name)\n endfunction\n " ] ] 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 50,21ms,,null 11:14:44 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 51,nvim_call_function,[ "execute", [ "\n function! g:coc_helper_module_p30952_0_10_1.3_buf.create(...) abort\n let name = get(a:000, 0, '')\n if name is ''\n return nvim_create_buf(v:false, v:true)\n else\n return CocHelperCallFn_0_10_1('3_buf', 'create_by_name', [name])\n endif\n endfunction\n " ] ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 51,41ms,,null 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 52,nvim_call_function,[ "execute", [ "\n function! g:coc_helper_module_p30952_0_10_1.4_float.init_execute(ctx, inited_execute) abort\n execute a:inited_execute\n endfunction\n " ] ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_call_atomic,[ [ [ "nvim_set_var", [ "coc_status", " ⠋ cSpell ⠋ loading snippets" ] ], [ "nvim_call_function", [ "coc#util#do_autocmd", [ "CocStatusChange" ] ] ] ] ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 53,nvim_command,[ "exe 'pyxfile '.fnameescape('/tmp/nvimt653pi/coc.nvim-30952/coc-ultisnips-QlB-mWYi_a.py')" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 52,20ms,,null 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 54,nvim_call_function,[ "execute", [ "\n function! g:coc_helper_module_p30952_0_10_1.4_float.open_win(bufnr, focus, win_config, win_hl, inited_execute) abort\n noau let winid = nvim_open_win(a:bufnr, a:focus, a:win_config)\n if !empty(a:win_hl)\n call nvim_win_set_option(winid, 'winhl', a:win_hl)\n endif\n if !empty(a:inited_execute)\n call CocHelperCallFn_0_10_1('4_float', 'init_execute', [{'bufnr': a:bufnr, 'winid': winid}, a:inited_execute])\n endif\n return winid\n endfunction\n " ] ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_call_atomic,[ [ [ "nvim_set_var", [ "coc_status", " ⠙ cSpell ⠙ loading snippets" ] ], [ "nvim_call_function", [ "coc#util#do_autocmd", [ "CocStatusChange" ] ] ] ] ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 53,109ms,null,null 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 54,107ms,,null 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 55,nvim_call_function,[ "execute", [ "\n function! g:coc_helper_module_p30952_0_10_1.4_float.create(name, inited_execute, has_border_buf, border_inited_execute) abort\n let bufnr = CocHelperCallFn_0_10_1('3_buf', 'create', [a:name])\n call CocHelperCallFn_0_10_1('4_float', 'init_execute', [{'bufnr': bufnr}, a:inited_execute])\n\n let border_bufnr = v:null\n if a:has_border_buf\n let border_bufnr = nvim_create_buf(v:false, v:true)\n call CocHelperCallFn_0_10_1('4_float', 'init_execute', [{'bufnr': border_bufnr}, a:border_inited_execute])\n endif\n return [bufnr, border_bufnr]\n endfunction\n " ] ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 55,11ms,,null 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 56,nvim_call_function,[ "execute", [ "\n function! g:coc_helper_module_p30952_0_10_1.4_float.open(bufnr, win_config, inited_execute, border_bufnr, border_win_config, border_inited_execute, focus, win_hl) abort\n let winid = CocHelperCallFn_0_10_1('4_float', 'open_win', [a:bufnr, a:focus, a:win_config, a:win_hl, a:inited_execute])\n call setbufvar(a:bufnr, 'coc_helper_winid', winid)\n\n if a:border_bufnr\n let border_winid = CocHelperCallFn_0_10_1('4_float', 'open_win', [a:border_bufnr, v:false, a:border_win_config, a:win_hl, a:border_inited_execute])\n call setbufvar(a:bufnr, 'coc_helper_border_winid', border_winid)\n endif\n endfunction\n " ] ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 56,22ms,,null 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 57,nvim_call_function,[ "execute", [ "\n function! g:coc_helper_module_p30952_0_10_1.4_float.resume(bufnr, win_config, border_bufnr, border_win_config, focus, win_hl) abort\n let winid = CocHelperCallFn_0_10_1('4_float', 'open_win', [a:bufnr, a:focus, a:win_config, a:win_hl, ''])\n call setbufvar(a:bufnr, 'coc_helper_winid', winid)\n\n if a:border_bufnr\n let border_winid = CocHelperCallFn_0_10_1('4_float', 'open_win', [border_bufnr, v:false, a:border_win_config, a:win_hl, ''])\n call setbufvar(a:bufnr, 'coc_helper_border_winid', border_winid)\n endif\n endfunction\n " ] ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 57,7ms,,null 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 58,nvim_call_function,[ "execute", [ "\n function! g:coc_helper_module_p30952_0_10_1.4_float.update(bufnr, win_config, border_bufnr, border_win_config, win_hl) abort\n let winid = getbufvar(a:bufnr, 'coc_helper_winid', v:null)\n if !winid\n return\n endif\n call nvim_win_set_config(winid, a:win_config)\n if !empty(a:win_hl)\n call nvim_win_set_option(winid, 'winhl', a:win_hl)\n endif\n if has('nvim')\n redraw!\n endif\n\n if a:border_bufnr\n let border_winid = getbufvar(a:bufnr, 'coc_helper_border_winid', v:null)\n if border_winid\n call nvim_win_set_config(border_winid, a:border_win_config)\n if !empty(a:win_hl)\n call nvim_win_set_option(border_winid, 'winhl', a:win_hl)\n endif\n if has('nvim')\n redraw!\n endif\n endif\n endif\n endfunction\n " ] ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 58,12ms,,null 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 59,nvim_call_function,[ "execute", [ "\n function! g:coc_helper_module_p30952_0_10_1.4_float.winid(bufnr) abort\n let id = getbufvar(a:bufnr, 'coc_helper_winid', v:null)\n let nr = win_id2win(id)\n return nr is 0 ? v:null : id\n endfunction\n " ] ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 60,nvim_get_current_buf,[] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 59,11ms,,null 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 60,5ms,[nvim_buf_1],null 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 61,nvim_call_function,[ "execute", [ "\n function! g:coc_helper_module_p30952_0_10_1.4_float.border_winid(bufnr) abort\n return getbufvar(a:bufnr, 'coc_helper_border_winid', v:null)\n endfunction\n " ] ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_call_atomic,[ [ [ "nvim_set_var", [ "coc_status", "" ] ], [ "nvim_call_function", [ "coc#util#do_autocmd", [ "CocStatusChange" ] ] ] ] ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 61,9ms,,null 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 62,nvim_call_function,[ "execute", [ "\n function! g:coc_helper_module_p30952_0_10_1.4_float.close(bufnr) abort\n let winid = getbufvar(a:bufnr, 'coc_helper_winid', v:null)\n let border_winid = getbufvar(a:bufnr, 'coc_helper_border_winid', v:null)\n try\n if winid\n call nvim_win_close(winid, v:true)\n endif\n if border_winid\n call nvim_win_close(border_winid, v:true)\n endif\n catch\n endtry\n endfunction\n " ] ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 62,9ms,,null 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 63,nvim_call_function,[ "CocHelperCallFn_0_10_1", [ "2_events", "activate", [ "CocHelperInternal_0_10_1_1", [ "autocmd BufDelete * call CocHelperCallFn_0_10_1('1_util', 'run_coc_cmd_async', ['coc-helper.internal.didVimEvent_1', 'BufDelete', +expand('')])", "autocmd BufWipeout * call CocHelperCallFn_0_10_1('1_util', 'run_coc_cmd_async', ['coc-helper.internal.didVimEvent_1', 'BufWipeout', +expand('')])" ] ] ] ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 63,6ms,0,null 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 64,nvim_command,[ "hi default link CocHelperNormalFloatNC CocHelperNormalFloat" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 64,6ms,null,null 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 65,nvim_call_function,[ "CocHelperCallFn_0_10_1", [ "2_events", "activate", [ "CocHelperInternal_0_10_1_2", [ "autocmd BufDelete * call CocHelperCallFn_0_10_1('1_util', 'run_coc_cmd_async', ['coc-helper.internal.didVimEvent_2', 'BufDelete', +expand(\"\")])", "autocmd ColorScheme * call CocHelperCallFn_0_10_1('1_util', 'run_coc_cmd_async', ['coc-helper.internal.didVimEvent_2', 'ColorScheme', g:colors_name])", "autocmd BufWipeout * call CocHelperCallFn_0_10_1('1_util', 'run_coc_cmd_async', ['coc-helper.internal.didVimEvent_2', 'BufWipeout', +expand(\"\")])", "autocmd User CocDiagnosticChange call CocHelperCallFn_0_10_1('1_util', 'run_coc_cmd_async', ['coc-helper.internal.didVimEvent_2', 'CocDiagnosticChange'])", "autocmd User CocGitStatusChange call CocHelperCallFn_0_10_1('1_util', 'run_coc_cmd_async', ['coc-helper.internal.didVimEvent_2', 'CocGitStatusChange'])", "autocmd User FugitiveChanged call CocHelperCallFn_0_10_1('1_util', 'run_coc_cmd_async', ['coc-helper.internal.didVimEvent_2', 'FugitiveChanged'])", "autocmd User CocBookmarkChange call CocHelperCallFn_0_10_1('1_util', 'run_coc_cmd_async', ['coc-helper.internal.didVimEvent_2', 'CocBookmarkChange'])" ] ] ] ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 65,14ms,0,null 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 66,nvim_get_option,[ "runtimepath" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 66,6ms,/home/hrai/.vim,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/coc.nvim,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/beacon.nvim,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/papercolor-theme,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-visual-multi,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-easy-align,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/enabler_vim,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-better-whitespace,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/indentLine,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-sleuth,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-easymotion,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-exchange,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-log-syntax,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-dispatch,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-repeat,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-commentary,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-tbone,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-expand-region,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-operator-highlight,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/fzf,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/fzf.vim,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/fzf-checkout.vim,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-auto-save,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-abolish,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-markdown,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-fugitive,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-surround,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-obsession,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/lightline.vim,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/nerdtree,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/nerdtree-git-plugin,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/open_file_under_cursor.vim,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/tabular,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/supertab,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-gutentags,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-bufonly,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-snippets,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/online-thesaurus-vim,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-autocorrect,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-tmux-navigator,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-listtrans,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-indent-object,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-csharp-snippets,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-gtfo,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-eunuch,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/editorconfig-vim,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/git-messenger.vim,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-conjoin,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-unimpaired,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-bracketed-paste,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-diff-enhanced,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-tmux,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-sneak,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/rainbow,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/matchit,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/targets.vim,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/undotree,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-buffet,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-leader-guide,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-strip-trailing-whitespace,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-startify,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-python-pep8-indent,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-SQL-UPPER,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-quickhl,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/alternate-toggler,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-smoothie,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/splitjoin.vim,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-peekaboo,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-hardtime,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-sort-motion,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-swap,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/open-browser.vim,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/zoxide.vim,/home/hrai/.config/nvim,/etc/xdg/nvim,/home/hrai/.local/share/nvim/site,/usr/local/share/nvim/site,/usr/share/nvim/site,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-polyglot,/home/hrai/.zinit/plugins/neovim---neovim/nvim-linux64/share/nvim/runtime,/home/hrai/.zinit/plugins/lib/nvim,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-polyglot/after,/usr/share/nvim/site/after,/usr/local/share/nvim/site/after,/home/hrai/.local/share/nvim/site/after,/etc/xdg/nvim/after,/home/hrai/.config/nvim/after,/home/hrai/.vim/after,/home/hrai/.vim_runtime,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/indentLine/after,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/nerdtree-git-plugin/after,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/tabular/after,/home/hrai/.vim_runtime/sources_non_forked,/home/hrai/.vim_runtime/python_functions,/home/hrai/.vim/coc_data_home/extensions/node_modules/coc-snippets,null 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 67,nvim_command,[ "execute 'noa set rtp+='.fnameescape('/home/hrai/.vim/coc_data_home/extensions/node_modules/coc-explorer')" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 67,7ms,null,null 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 68,nvim_command,[ "runtime plugin/coc_explorer.vim" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 68,6ms,null,null 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 69,nvim_call_function,[ "coc_explorer#highlight#extract_colors", [ [ "String", "Character", "Number", "Boolean", "Float", "Identifier", "Function", "Statement", "Conditional", "Repeat", "Label", "Operator", "Keyword", "Exception", "PreProc", "Include", "Define", "Macro", "PreCondit", "Type", "StorageClass", "Structure", "Typedef", "Special", "SpecialChar", "Tag", "Delimiter", "SpecialComment", "Debug", "Todo" ] ] ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 70,nvim_call_function,[ "coc_explorer#highlight#extract_colors", [ [ "Comment" ] ] ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-explorer-key-n-*) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-n-*'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-explorer-key-n-[tab]) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-n-[tab]'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-explorer-key-n-h) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-n-h'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-explorer-key-n-l) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-n-l'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-explorer-key-n-J) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-n-J'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-explorer-key-n-K) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-n-K'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-explorer-key-n-gl) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-n-gl'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-explorer-key-n-gh) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-n-gh'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-explorer-key-n-[2-LeftMouse]) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-n-[2-LeftMouse]'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-explorer-key-n-o) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-n-o'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-explorer-key-n-[cr]) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-n-[cr]'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-explorer-key-n-e) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-n-e'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-explorer-key-n-s) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-n-s'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-explorer-key-n-E) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-n-E'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-explorer-key-n-t) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-n-t'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-explorer-key-n-[bs]) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-n-[bs]'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-explorer-key-n-gs) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-n-gs'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-explorer-key-n-il) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-n-il'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-explorer-key-n-ic) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-n-ic'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-explorer-key-n-Il) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-n-Il'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-explorer-key-n-Ic) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-n-Ic'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-explorer-key-n-II) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-n-II'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-explorer-key-n-yp) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-n-yp'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-explorer-key-n-yn) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-n-yn'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-explorer-key-n-yy) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-n-yy'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-explorer-key-n-yY) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-n-yY'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-explorer-key-n-dd) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-n-dd'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-explorer-key-n-dD) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-n-dD'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-explorer-key-n-p) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-n-p'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-explorer-key-n-df) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-n-df'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-explorer-key-n-dF) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-n-dF'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-explorer-key-n-a) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-n-a'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-explorer-key-n-A) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-n-A'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-explorer-key-n-r) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-n-r'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-explorer-key-n-zh) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-n-zh'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-explorer-key-n-g.) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-n-g.'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-explorer-key-n-R) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-n-R'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-explorer-key-n-?) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-n-?'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-explorer-key-n-q) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-n-q'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-explorer-key-n-[esc]) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-n-[esc]'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-explorer-key-n-X) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-n-X'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-explorer-key-n-gd) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-n-gd'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-explorer-key-n-f) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-n-f'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-explorer-key-n-F) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-n-F'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-explorer-key-n-gf) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-n-gf'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-explorer-key-n-gb) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-n-gb'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-explorer-key-n-[[) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-n-[['])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-explorer-key-n-]]) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-n-]]'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-explorer-key-n-[i) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-n-[i'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-explorer-key-n-]i) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-n-]i'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-explorer-key-n-[m) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-n-[m'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-explorer-key-n-]m) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-n-]m'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-explorer-key-n-[d) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-n-[d'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-explorer-key-n-]d) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-n-]d'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-explorer-key-n-[D) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-n-[D'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-explorer-key-n-]D) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-n-]D'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-explorer-key-n-[c) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-n-[c'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-explorer-key-n-]c) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-n-]c'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-explorer-key-n-[C) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-n-[C'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-explorer-key-n-]C) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-n-]C'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-explorer-key-n-<<) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-n-<<'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "nnoremap (coc-explorer-key-n->>) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-n->>'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "vnoremap (coc-explorer-key-v-*) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-v-*'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "vnoremap (coc-explorer-key-v-[tab]) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-v-[tab]'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "vnoremap (coc-explorer-key-v-h) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-v-h'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "vnoremap (coc-explorer-key-v-l) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-v-l'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "vnoremap (coc-explorer-key-v-J) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-v-J'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "vnoremap (coc-explorer-key-v-K) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-v-K'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "vnoremap (coc-explorer-key-v-gl) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-v-gl'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "vnoremap (coc-explorer-key-v-gh) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-v-gh'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "vnoremap (coc-explorer-key-v-[2-LeftMouse]) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-v-[2-LeftMouse]'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "vnoremap (coc-explorer-key-v-[cr]) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-v-[cr]'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "vnoremap (coc-explorer-key-v-e) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-v-e'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "vnoremap (coc-explorer-key-v-s) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-v-s'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "vnoremap (coc-explorer-key-v-E) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-v-E'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "vnoremap (coc-explorer-key-v-t) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-v-t'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "vnoremap (coc-explorer-key-v-[bs]) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-v-[bs]'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "vnoremap (coc-explorer-key-v-gs) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-v-gs'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "vnoremap (coc-explorer-key-v-il) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-v-il'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "vnoremap (coc-explorer-key-v-ic) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-v-ic'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "vnoremap (coc-explorer-key-v-Il) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-v-Il'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "vnoremap (coc-explorer-key-v-Ic) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-v-Ic'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "vnoremap (coc-explorer-key-v-II) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-v-II'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "vnoremap (coc-explorer-key-v-yp) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-v-yp'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "vnoremap (coc-explorer-key-v-yn) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-v-yn'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "vnoremap (coc-explorer-key-v-yy) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-v-yy'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "vnoremap (coc-explorer-key-v-yY) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-v-yY'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "vnoremap (coc-explorer-key-v-dd) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-v-dd'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "vnoremap (coc-explorer-key-v-dD) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-v-dD'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "vnoremap (coc-explorer-key-v-p) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-v-p'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "vnoremap (coc-explorer-key-v-df) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-v-df'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "vnoremap (coc-explorer-key-v-dF) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-v-dF'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "vnoremap (coc-explorer-key-v-a) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-v-a'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "vnoremap (coc-explorer-key-v-A) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-v-A'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "vnoremap (coc-explorer-key-v-r) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-v-r'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "vnoremap (coc-explorer-key-v-zh) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-v-zh'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "vnoremap (coc-explorer-key-v-g.) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-v-g.'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "vnoremap (coc-explorer-key-v-R) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-v-R'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "vnoremap (coc-explorer-key-v-?) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-v-?'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "vnoremap (coc-explorer-key-v-q) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-v-q'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "vnoremap (coc-explorer-key-v-[esc]) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-v-[esc]'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "vnoremap (coc-explorer-key-v-X) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-v-X'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "vnoremap (coc-explorer-key-v-gd) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-v-gd'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "vnoremap (coc-explorer-key-v-f) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-v-f'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "vnoremap (coc-explorer-key-v-F) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-v-F'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "vnoremap (coc-explorer-key-v-gf) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-v-gf'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "vnoremap (coc-explorer-key-v-gb) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-v-gb'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "vnoremap (coc-explorer-key-v-[[) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-v-[['])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "vnoremap (coc-explorer-key-v-]]) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-v-]]'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "vnoremap (coc-explorer-key-v-[i) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-v-[i'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "vnoremap (coc-explorer-key-v-]i) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-v-]i'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "vnoremap (coc-explorer-key-v-[m) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-v-[m'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "vnoremap (coc-explorer-key-v-]m) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-v-]m'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "vnoremap (coc-explorer-key-v-[d) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-v-[d'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "vnoremap (coc-explorer-key-v-]d) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-v-]d'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "vnoremap (coc-explorer-key-v-[D) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-v-[D'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "vnoremap (coc-explorer-key-v-]D) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-v-]D'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "vnoremap (coc-explorer-key-v-[c) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-v-[c'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "vnoremap (coc-explorer-key-v-]c) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-v-]c'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "vnoremap (coc-explorer-key-v-[C) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-v-[C'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "vnoremap (coc-explorer-key-v-]C) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-v-]C'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "vnoremap (coc-explorer-key-v-<<) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-v-<<'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "vnoremap (coc-explorer-key-v->>) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-v->>'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "vnoremap (coc-explorer-key-v-al) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-v-al'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "vnoremap (coc-explorer-key-v-ii) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-v-ii'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_command,[ "vnoremap (coc-explorer-key-v-ai) :call coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['explorer-key-v-ai'])" ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 71,nvim_call_function,[ "coc_explorer#mappings#register", [ { "n": { "*": "(coc-explorer-key-n-*)", "": "(coc-explorer-key-n-[tab])", "h": "(coc-explorer-key-n-h)", "l": "(coc-explorer-key-n-l)", "J": "(coc-explorer-key-n-J)", "K": "(coc-explorer-key-n-K)", "gl": "(coc-explorer-key-n-gl)", "gh": "(coc-explorer-key-n-gh)", "<2-LeftMouse>": "(coc-explorer-key-n-[2-LeftMouse])", "o": "(coc-explorer-key-n-o)", "": "(coc-explorer-key-n-[cr])", "e": "(coc-explorer-key-n-e)", "s": "(coc-explorer-key-n-s)", "E": "(coc-explorer-key-n-E)", "t": "(coc-explorer-key-n-t)", "": "(coc-explorer-key-n-[bs])", "gs": "(coc-explorer-key-n-gs)", "il": "(coc-explorer-key-n-il)", "ic": "(coc-explorer-key-n-ic)", "Il": "(coc-explorer-key-n-Il)", "Ic": "(coc-explorer-key-n-Ic)", "II": "(coc-explorer-key-n-II)", "yp": "(coc-explorer-key-n-yp)", "yn": "(coc-explorer-key-n-yn)", "yy": "(coc-explorer-key-n-yy)", "yY": "(coc-explorer-key-n-yY)", "dd": "(coc-explorer-key-n-dd)", "dD": "(coc-explorer-key-n-dD)", "p": "(coc-explorer-key-n-p)", "df": "(coc-explorer-key-n-df)", "dF": "(coc-explorer-key-n-dF)", "a": "(coc-explorer-key-n-a)", "A": "(coc-explorer-key-n-A)", "r": "(coc-explorer-key-n-r)", "zh": "(coc-explorer-key-n-zh)", "g.": "(coc-explorer-key-n-g.)", "R": "(coc-explorer-key-n-R)", "?": "(coc-explorer-key-n-?)", "q": "(coc-explorer-key-n-q)", "": "(coc-explorer-key-n-[esc])", "X": "(coc-explorer-key-n-X)", "gd": "(coc-explorer-key-n-gd)", "f": "(coc-explorer-key-n-f)", "F": "(coc-explorer-key-n-F)", "gf": "(coc-explorer-key-n-gf)", "gb": "(coc-explorer-key-n-gb)", "[[": "(coc-explorer-key-n-[[)", "]]": "(coc-explorer-key-n-]])", "[i": "(coc-explorer-key-n-[i)", "]i": "(coc-explorer-key-n-]i)", "[m": "(coc-explorer-key-n-[m)", "]m": "(coc-explorer-key-n-]m)", "[d": "(coc-explorer-key-n-[d)", "]d": "(coc-explorer-key-n-]d)", "[D": "(coc-explorer-key-n-[D)", "]D": "(coc-explorer-key-n-]D)", "[c": "(coc-explorer-key-n-[c)", "]c": "(coc-explorer-key-n-]c)", "[C": "(coc-explorer-key-n-[C)", "]C": "(coc-explorer-key-n-]C)", "<<": "(coc-explorer-key-n-<<)", ">>": "(coc-explorer-key-n->>)" }, "v": { "*": "(coc-explorer-key-v-*)", "": "(coc-explorer-key-v-[tab])", "h": "(coc-explorer-key-v-h)", "l": "(coc-explorer-key-v-l)", "J": "(coc-explorer-key-v-J)", "K": "(coc-explorer-key-v-K)", "gl": "(coc-explorer-key-v-gl)", "gh": "(coc-explorer-key-v-gh)", "<2-LeftMouse>": "(coc-explorer-key-v-[2-LeftMouse])", "": "(coc-explorer-key-v-[cr])", "e": "(coc-explorer-key-v-e)", "s": "(coc-explorer-key-v-s)", "E": "(coc-explorer-key-v-E)", "t": "(coc-explorer-key-v-t)", "": 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"[[": "(coc-explorer-key-v-[[)", "]]": "(coc-explorer-key-v-]])", "[i": "(coc-explorer-key-v-[i)", "]i": "(coc-explorer-key-v-]i)", "[m": "(coc-explorer-key-v-[m)", "]m": "(coc-explorer-key-v-]m)", "[d": "(coc-explorer-key-v-[d)", "]d": "(coc-explorer-key-v-]d)", "[D": "(coc-explorer-key-v-[D)", "]D": "(coc-explorer-key-v-]D)", "[c": "(coc-explorer-key-v-[c)", "]c": "(coc-explorer-key-v-]c)", "[C": "(coc-explorer-key-v-[C)", "]C": "(coc-explorer-key-v-]C)", "<<": "(coc-explorer-key-v-<<)", ">>": "(coc-explorer-key-v->>)", "al": "(coc-explorer-key-v-al)", "ii": "(coc-explorer-key-v-ii)", "ai": "(coc-explorer-key-v-ai)" } } ] ] 11:14:45 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 69,9ms,{ "PreCondit": { "ctermbg": "", "ctermfg": "", "guibg": "", "guifg": "#5fafd7" }, "Number": { "ctermbg": "", "ctermfg": "", "guibg": "", "guifg": "#ff5faf" }, "Function": { "ctermbg": "", "ctermfg": "", "guibg": "", "guifg": "#d0d0d0" }, "Define": { "ctermbg": "", "ctermfg": "", "guibg": "", "guifg": 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"", " 'RRS',", " 'SAML',", " 'SDK',", " 'SLA',", " 'SMS',", " 'SOA',", " 'SQL',", " 'SSE',", " 'SSH',", " 'SSL',", " 'SSO',", " 'SUSE',", " 'SVN',", " 'SaaS',", " 'TCP',", " 'TLS',", " 'TPM',", " 'TPS',", " 'TS',", " 'TTL',", " 'UA',", " 'UAT',", " 'UI',", " 'UIs',", " 'URL',", " 'URLs',", " 'VDI',", " 'VLAN',", " 'VM',", " 'VPN',", " 'VTL',", " 'VoIP',", " 'WAF',", " 'WiFi',", " 'iSCSI',", "];", "", "const timeAbbreviations = [", " 'ACDT',", " 'ACST',", " 'ACWST',", " 'ADT',", " 'AEDT',", " 'AEST',", " 'AET',", " 'AFT',", " 'AKDT',", " 'AKST',", " 'ALMT',", " 'AMST',", " 'AMT',", " 'ANAT',", " 'AQTT',", " 'AST',", " 'AWST',", " 'AZOST',", " 'AZOT',", " 'AZT',", " 'BNT',", " 'BIOT',", " 'BRST',", " 'BRT',", " 'BST',", " 'BTT',", " 'CCT',", " 'CDT',", " 'CEST',", " 'CET',", " 'CHADT',", " 'CHAST',", " 'CHOT',", " 'CHOST',", " 'CHST',", " 'CHUT',", " 'CIST',", " 'WITA',", " 'CKT',", " 'CLST',", " 'CLT',", " 'CST',", " 'CT',", " 'CVT',", " 'CWST',", " 'CXT',", " 'DAVT',", " 'DDUT',", " 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283, "end_col": 7, "type": "I" }, { "text": "\"NOVT\": Unknown word.", "lnum": 297, "col": 4, "end_lnum": 297, "end_col": 7, "type": "I" }, { "text": "\"NZDT\": Unknown word.", "lnum": 302, "col": 4, "end_lnum": 302, "end_col": 7, "type": "I" }, { "text": "\"NZST\": Unknown word.", "lnum": 303, "col": 4, "end_lnum": 303, "end_col": 7, "type": "I" }, { "text": "\"OMST\": Unknown word.", "lnum": 304, "col": 4, "end_lnum": 304, "end_col": 7, "type": "I" }, { "text": "\"ORAT\": Unknown word.", "lnum": 305, "col": 4, "end_lnum": 305, "end_col": 7, "type": "I" }, { "text": "\"PHOT\": Unknown word.", "lnum": 309, "col": 4, "end_lnum": 309, "end_col": 7, "type": "I" }, { "text": "\"PMDT\": Unknown word.", "lnum": 312, "col": 4, "end_lnum": 312, "end_col": 7, "type": "I" }, { "text": "\"PMST\": Unknown word.", "lnum": 313, "col": 4, "end_lnum": 313, "end_col": 7, "type": "I" }, { "text": "\"PYST\": Unknown word.", "lnum": 318, "col": 4, "end_lnum": 318, "end_col": 7, "type": "I" }, { "text": "\"ROTT\": Unknown word.", "lnum": 321, "col": 4, "end_lnum": 321, "end_col": 7, "type": "I" }, { "text": "\"SAKT\": Unknown word.", "lnum": 322, "col": 4, "end_lnum": 322, "end_col": 7, "type": "I" }, { "text": "\"SAMT\": Unknown word.", "lnum": 323, "col": 4, "end_lnum": 323, "end_col": 7, "type": "I" }, { "text": "\"SAST\": Unknown word.", "lnum": 324, "col": 4, "end_lnum": 324, "end_col": 7, "type": "I" }, { "text": "\"SLST\": Unknown word.", "lnum": 329, "col": 4, "end_lnum": 329, "end_col": 7, "type": "I" }, { "text": "\"SRET\": Unknown word.", "lnum": 330, "col": 4, "end_lnum": 330, "end_col": 7, "type": "I" }, { "text": "\"SYOT\": Unknown word.", "lnum": 334, "col": 4, "end_lnum": 334, "end_col": 7, "type": "I" }, { "text": "\"TAHT\": Unknown word.", "lnum": 335, "col": 4, "end_lnum": 335, "end_col": 7, "type": "I" }, { "text": "\"ULAST\": Unknown word.", "lnum": 344, "col": 4, "end_lnum": 344, "end_col": 8, "type": "I" }, { "text": "\"ULAT\": Unknown word.", "lnum": 345, "col": 4, "end_lnum": 345, "end_col": 7, "type": "I" }, { "text": "\"UYST\": Unknown word.", "lnum": 347, "col": 4, "end_lnum": 347, "end_col": 7, "type": "I" }, { "text": "\"VLAT\": Unknown word.", "lnum": 350, "col": 4, "end_lnum": 350, "end_col": 7, "type": "I" }, { "text": "\"VOST\": Unknown word.", "lnum": 351, "col": 4, "end_lnum": 351, "end_col": 7, "type": "I" }, { "text": "\"WAKT\": Unknown word.", "lnum": 353, "col": 4, "end_lnum": 353, "end_col": 7, "type": "I" }, { "text": "\"WGST\": Unknown word.", "lnum": 358, "col": 4, "end_lnum": 358, "end_col": 7, "type": "I" }, { "text": "\"YAKT\": Unknown word.", "lnum": 361, "col": 4, "end_lnum": 361, "end_col": 7, "type": "I" }, { "text": "\"YEKT\": Unknown word.", "lnum": 362, "col": 4, "end_lnum": 362, "end_col": 7, "type": "I" } ] ] ] ] ] ] 11:14:59 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 123,18ms,[ [ 0 ], null ],null 11:15:00 AM DEBUG [transport] - receive notification: [ "highlight", [] ] 11:15:00 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 124,nvim_eval,[ "[bufnr(\"%\"),win_getid(),coc#util#cursor(),get(b:,'coc_cursors_activated',0)]" ] 11:15:00 AM DEBUG [transport] - receive notification: [ "CocAutocmd", [ "CursorHold", 3 ] ] 11:15:00 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 124,5ms,[ 3, 1000, [ 150, 0 ], 0 ],null 11:15:02 AM DEBUG [transport] - receive notification: [ "CocAutocmd", [ "WinLeave", 1000 ] ] 11:15:02 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_call_function,[ "coc#highlight#clear_win_matches", [ 1000, "^HighlightedyankRegion" ] ] 11:15:02 AM DEBUG [transport] - receive notification: [ "CocAutocmd", [ "WinEnter", 1003 ] ] 11:15:02 AM DEBUG [transport] - receive notification: [ "CocAutocmd", [ "CursorMoved", 3, [ 151, 1 ] ] ] 11:15:02 AM DEBUG [transport] - receive notification: [ "CocAutocmd", [ "BufEnter", 4 ] ] 11:15:02 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 125,nvim_call_function,[ "bufname", [] ] 11:15:02 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 126,nvim_call_function,[ "getbufvar", [ 4, "&filetype", "" ] ] 11:15:02 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 127,nvim_eval,[ "[expand(\"%:p\"),&buftype]" ] 11:15:02 AM DEBUG [transport] - receive notification: [ "doAutocmd", [ 3 ] ] 11:15:02 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 128,nvim_get_current_buf,[] 11:15:02 AM DEBUG [transport] - receive notification: [ "doAutocmd", [ 4 ] ] 11:15:02 AM DEBUG [transport] - receive notification: [ "doAutocmd", [ 5 ] ] 11:15:02 AM DEBUG [transport] - receive notification: [ "CocAutocmd", [ "BufWinEnter", 4, 1003 ] ] 11:15:02 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 129,nvim_get_current_buf,[] 11:15:02 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 130,nvim_get_current_buf,[] 11:15:02 AM DEBUG [transport] - receive notification: [ "CocAutocmd", [ "FileType", "vim", 4 ] ] 11:15:02 AM DEBUG [transport] - receive notification: [ "CocAutocmd", [ "CursorMoved", 4, [ 46, 1 ] ] ] 11:15:02 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 131,nvim_call_function,[ "coc#util#get_bufoptions", [ 4, 10485760 ] ] 11:15:02 AM DEBUG [transport] - receive notification: [ "nvim_error_event", [ 0, "Vim:E117: Unknown function: coc#highlight#clear_win_matches" ] ] 11:15:02 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 125,105ms,[Command Line],null 11:15:02 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 126,104ms,vim,null 11:15:02 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 132,nvim_get_var,[ "&filetype" ] 11:15:02 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_call_atomic,[ [ [ "nvim_set_var", [ "coc_status", " cSpell" ] ], [ "nvim_call_function", [ "coc#util#do_autocmd", [ "CocStatusChange" ] ] ] ] ] 11:15:02 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 133,nvim_call_function,[ "execute", [ "ls!" ] ] 11:15:02 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 127,106ms,[ "/mnt/d/auto-capitalise-sentence/src/[Command Line]", "nofile" ],null 11:15:02 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 128,102ms,[nvim_buf_4],null 11:15:02 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 129,100ms,[nvim_buf_4],null 11:15:02 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 130,100ms,[nvim_buf_4],null 11:15:02 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 131,54ms,{ "changedtick": 2, "variables": {}, "winid": 1003, "eol": 1, "previewwindow": false, "bufname": "[Command Line]", "fullpath": "/mnt/d/auto-capitalise-sentence/src/[Command Line]", "filetype": "vim", "buftype": "nofile", "lines": [], "iskeyword": "@,48-57,_,192-255,#", "size": 562 },null 11:15:02 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 132,2ms,null,[ 1, "Key not found: &filetype" ] 11:15:02 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 134,nvim_buf_attach,[ "[nvim_buf_4]", true, {} ] 11:15:02 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_call_atomic,[ [ [ "nvim_set_var", [ "coc_git_status", "" ] ], [ "nvim_call_function", [ "coc#util#do_autocmd", [ "CocGitStatusChange" ] ] ] ] ] 11:15:02 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 135,nvim_get_var,[ "coc_explorer_context" ] 11:15:02 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 133,24ms, 2u h "[Scratch]" line 1 3 #a "abbreviation-constants.js" line 0 4 %a "[Command Line]" line 46,null 11:15:02 AM DEBUG [transport] - receive notification: [ "nvim_buf_lines_event", [ "[nvim_buf_4]", 2, 0, -1, [ "!wslview", "Rg clipb", "checkhealth", "PaperColor", "echo $PATH", "Rg bau", "Rg sns", "vs", "h sort", "'<,'>sort I", "422", "Gstatus", "'<,'>sort", "e! ~/.vim_runtime/my_configs.vim", "17", "9", "306", "Gap fixed test", "Rg >n", "h execute()", "nmap ", "Gap cleanup", "Rg bu", "h BufWritePost", "n", "GFiles", "nmap ", "Rg gfile", "Gap added words", "24", "GitBrowserOpen", "Rg ", "Rg visual", "Ag test", ":noautocmd qall!", ":profile start profile.log", "pwd", ":profile func *", ":profile file *", ":profile pause", "noautocmd qall!", "h :profile", ":profile start ~/profile.log | profile func * | profile file *", ":profile pause | noautocmd qall!", ":call coc#client#open_log()", "" ], false ] ] 11:15:02 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 134,22ms,true,null 11:15:02 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 136,nvim_call_function,[ "expand", [ "#2:p", 1 ] ] 11:15:02 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 137,nvim_call_function,[ "expand", [ "#3:p", 1 ] ] 11:15:02 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 138,nvim_call_function,[ "expand", [ "#4:p", 1 ] ] 11:15:02 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 139,nvim_command_output,[ "echo $VIMRUNTIME" ] 11:15:02 AM DEBUG [transport] - receive notification: [ "runCommand", [ "coc-helper.internal.didVimEvent_2", "CocGitStatusChange" ] ] 11:15:02 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 135,36ms,{ "previousWindowID": 1000, "previousBufnr": 3 },null 11:15:02 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 140,nvim_set_var,[ "coc_explorer_context", { "previousWindowID": 1000, "previousBufnr": 4 } ] 11:15:02 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 136,18ms,,null 11:15:02 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 137,18ms,/mnt/d/auto-capitalise-sentence/src/abbreviation-constants.js,null 11:15:02 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 138,18ms,/mnt/d/auto-capitalise-sentence/src/[Command Line],null 11:15:02 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 139,12ms,,null 11:15:02 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 140,4ms,null,null 11:15:02 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 141,nvim_get_option,[ "runtimepath" ] 11:15:02 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 142,nvim_call_function,[ "win_getid", [] ] 11:15:02 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 143,nvim_get_current_buf,[] 11:15:03 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 141,15ms,/home/hrai/.vim,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/coc.nvim,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/beacon.nvim,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/papercolor-theme,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-visual-multi,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-easy-align,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/enabler_vim,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-better-whitespace,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/indentLine,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-sleuth,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-easymotion,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-polyglot,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-exchange,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-log-syntax,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-dispatch,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-repeat,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-commentary,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-tbone,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-expand-region,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-operator-highlight,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/fzf,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/fzf.vim,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/fzf-checkout.vim,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-auto-save,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-abolish,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-markdown,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-fugitive,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-surround,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-obsession,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/lightline.vim,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/nerdtree,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/nerdtree-git-plugin,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/open_file_under_cursor.vim,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/tabular,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/supertab,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-gutentags,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-bufonly,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-snippets,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/online-thesaurus-vim,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-autocorrect,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-tmux-navigator,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-listtrans,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-indent-object,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-csharp-snippets,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-gtfo,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-eunuch,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/editorconfig-vim,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/git-messenger.vim,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-conjoin,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-unimpaired,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-bracketed-paste,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-diff-enhanced,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-tmux,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-sneak,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/rainbow,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/matchit,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/targets.vim,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/undotree,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-buffet,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-leader-guide,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-strip-trailing-whitespace,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-startify,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-python-pep8-indent,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-SQL-UPPER,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-quickhl,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/alternate-toggler,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-smoothie,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/splitjoin.vim,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-peekaboo,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-hardtime,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-sort-motion,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-swap,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/open-browser.vim,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/zoxide.vim,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/ale,/home/hrai/.config/nvim,/etc/xdg/nvim,/home/hrai/.local/share/nvim/site,/usr/local/share/nvim/site,/usr/share/nvim/site,/home/hrai/.zinit/plugins/neovim---neovim/nvim-linux64/share/nvim/runtime,/home/hrai/.zinit/plugins/lib/nvim,/usr/share/nvim/site/after,/usr/local/share/nvim/site/after,/home/hrai/.local/share/nvim/site/after,/etc/xdg/nvim/after,/home/hrai/.config/nvim/after,/home/hrai/.vim/after,/home/hrai/.vim_runtime,/home/hrai/.vim_runtime/python_functions,/home/hrai/.vim/coc_data_home/extensions/node_modules/coc-snippets,/home/hrai/.vim/coc_data_home/extensions/node_modules/coc-explorer,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/indentLine/after,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/vim-polyglot/after,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/nerdtree-git-plugin/after,/home/hrai/.vim/plugged/tabular/after,/home/hrai/.vim_runtime/sources_non_forked,null 11:15:03 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 142,14ms,1003,null 11:15:03 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 143,13ms,[nvim_buf_4],null 11:15:03 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 144,nvim_get_option,[ "iskeyword" ] 11:15:03 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 145,nvim_get_var,[ "coc_explorer_context" ] 11:15:03 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 144,15ms,@,48-57,_,192-255,null 11:15:03 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 145,14ms,{ "previousWindowID": 1000, "previousBufnr": 4 },null 11:15:03 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 146,nvim_command,[ "source /tmp/nvimt653pi/coc.nvim-30952/coc-30952.vim" ] 11:15:03 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 147,nvim_set_var,[ "coc_explorer_context", { "previousWindowID": 1003, "previousBufnr": 4 } ] 11:15:03 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 146,18ms,null,null 11:15:03 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 147,17ms,null,null 11:15:03 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_call_atomic,[ [ [ "nvim_set_var", [ "coc_status", "" ] ], [ "nvim_call_function", [ "coc#util#do_autocmd", [ "CocStatusChange" ] ] ] ] ] 11:15:03 AM DEBUG [transport] - receive notification: [ "highlight", [] ] 11:15:03 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 148,nvim_eval,[ "[bufnr(\"%\"),win_getid(),coc#util#cursor(),get(b:,'coc_cursors_activated',0)]" ] 11:15:03 AM DEBUG [transport] - receive notification: [ "CocAutocmd", [ "CursorHold", 4 ] ] 11:15:03 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 148,13ms,[ 4, 1003, [ 45, 0 ], 0 ],null 11:15:03 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 149,nvim_get_current_buf,[] 11:15:03 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 149,0ms,[nvim_buf_4],null 11:15:03 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 150,nvim_buf_get_option,[ "[nvim_buf_4]", "iskeyword" ] 11:15:03 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 150,11ms,@,48-57,_,192-255,#,null 11:15:03 AM DEBUG [transport] - receive notification: [ "CocAutocmd", [ "CursorMoved", 4, [ 45, 1 ] ] ] 11:15:04 AM DEBUG [transport] - receive notification: [ "highlight", [] ] 11:15:04 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 151,nvim_eval,[ "[bufnr(\"%\"),win_getid(),coc#util#cursor(),get(b:,'coc_cursors_activated',0)]" ] 11:15:04 AM DEBUG [transport] - receive notification: [ "CocAutocmd", [ "CursorHold", 4 ] ] 11:15:04 AM DEBUG [transport] - response of nvim: 151,13ms,[ 4, 1003, [ 44, 0 ], 0 ],null 11:15:04 AM DEBUG [transport] - receive notification: [ "CocAutocmd", [ "WinLeave", 1003 ] ] 11:15:04 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_call_function,[ "coc#highlight#clear_win_matches", [ 1003, "^HighlightedyankRegion" ] ] 11:15:04 AM DEBUG [transport] - receive notification: [ "CocAutocmd", [ "WinEnter", 1000 ] ] 11:15:04 AM DEBUG [transport] - receive notification: [ "CocAutocmd", [ "BufEnter", 3 ] ] 11:15:04 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 152,nvim_call_function,[ "bufname", [] ] 11:15:04 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 153,nvim_call_function,[ "getbufvar", [ 3, "&filetype", "" ] ] 11:15:04 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 154,nvim_eval,[ "getwinvar(bufwinnr(3), '&previewwindow')" ] 11:15:04 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 155,nvim_eval,[ "[expand(\"%:p\"),&buftype]" ] 11:15:04 AM DEBUG [transport] - receive notification: [ "doAutocmd", [ 3 ] ] 11:15:04 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 156,nvim_get_current_buf,[] 11:15:04 AM DEBUG [transport] - receive notification: [ "doAutocmd", [ 4 ] ] 11:15:04 AM DEBUG [transport] - receive notification: [ "doAutocmd", [ 5 ] ] 11:15:04 AM DEBUG [transport] - receive notification: [ "CocAutocmd", [ "CursorMoved", 3, [ 151, 1 ] ] ] 11:15:04 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 157,nvim_get_current_buf,[] 11:15:04 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 158,nvim_get_current_buf,[] 11:15:04 AM DEBUG [transport] - receive notification: [ "CocAutocmd", [ "BufWinLeave", 4, 1003 ] ] 11:15:04 AM DEBUG [transport] - receive notification: [ "CocAutocmd", [ "BufUnload", 4 ] ] 11:15:04 AM DEBUG [transport] - receive notification: [ "runCommand", [ "coc-helper.internal.didVimEvent_1", "BufDelete", 4 ] ] 11:15:04 AM DEBUG [transport] - receive notification: [ "runCommand", [ "coc-helper.internal.didVimEvent_2", "BufDelete", 4 ] ] 11:15:04 AM DEBUG [transport] - receive notification: [ "runCommand", [ "coc-helper.internal.didVimEvent_1", "BufWipeout", 4 ] ] 11:15:04 AM DEBUG [transport] - receive notification: [ "runCommand", [ "coc-helper.internal.didVimEvent_2", "BufWipeout", 4 ] ] 11:15:04 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 159,nvim_call_function,[ "execute", [ "ls!" ] ] 11:15:04 AM DEBUG [transport] - request to nvim: 160,nvim_call_function,[ "execute", [ "ls!" ] ] 11:15:04 AM DEBUG [transport] - receive notification: [ "nvim_buf_detach_event", [ "[nvim_buf_4]" ] ] 11:15:04 AM DEBUG [transport] - receive notification: [ "CocAutocmd", [ "WinLeave", 1000 ] ] 11:15:04 AM DEBUG [transport] - nvim notification: nvim_call_function,[ "coc#highlight#clear_win_matches", [ 1000, "^HighlightedyankRegion" ] ] 11:15:04 AM DEBUG [transport] - receive notification: [ "CocAutocmd", [ "WinEnter", 1005 ] ] 11:15:04 AM DEBUG [transport] - receive notification: [ "CocAutocmd", [ "CursorMoved", 3, [ 151, 1 ] ] ]